
Bowling score

One bowling game is divided into 10 frames. Each bowler gets two chances per frame to knock down all ten bowling pins.
At first You have to write each bowler's name or nickname on the score sheet. Then look how many pins were knocked down on the bowler's first ball. Write down the number of pins which were knocked down in the space in the top left corner of the box in that frame.
After second ball write the number of pins knocked down on the second frame in the small box next to the first ball score, than count these two numbers and record the result in the large blank space at the bottom of the box.
A strike has to be scored by putting X in the box for that frame. When the bowler plays next time, score 10 points for the strike, plus the pins knocked down that turn. Than write down the result in the totals area for the frame in which the strike was thrown. Score result after the strike as usual. If the next ball which player threw is also a strike, score 10 points for the first strike, 10 for the second strike and the number of pins knocked down with the first ball of the next frame.
Record a spare, which is when a bowler knocks down all the pins with second ball, with / in the small box. On the bowler's next turn, score 10 points for the spare, plus all the pins knocked down by the next ball thrown. Record the result in the totals box for the frame in which the spare was thrown.
Than count all bottom boxes and get total result.